Research and development
2Dsearch is the product of an R&D program combining novel techniques from the fields of data visualization, artificial intelligence and natural language processing. We are proud to have been awarded multiple grants for research and development from Innovate UK. We work closely with the academic community, and have ongoing collaborations with Essex University, Glasgow University and City University London. A selection of recent scholarly papers is shown below.
Recent publications
Zang, Jingfan, and Tony Russell-Rose. “A Prototype “Debugger” for Search Strategies.” In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, pp. 417-421. 2023.
Svarre, Tanja, and Tony Russell-Rose. "Think outside the search box: A comparative study of visual and form-based query builders." Journal of Information Science (2022): 01655515221138536.
MacFarlane, Andrew, Tony Russell-Rose, and Farhad Shokraneh. "Search Strategy Formulation for Systematic Reviews: issues, challenges and opportunities." Intelligent Systems with Applications (2022): 200091.
Russell-Rose, T., Gooch, P., & Kruschwitz, U. (2021). Interactive query expansion for professional search applications. Business Information Review, 02663821211034079.
Tony Russell-Rose and Andrew MacFarlane, “Towards Explainability in Professional Search“. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on ExplainAble Recommendation and Search (EARS 2020), in the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’20). ACM, July 2020, Xi’an, China.
Russell-Rose, T. (2020). Technological solutions for reproducibility and “showing of work”: a response to “Redundancy of Terms Is Not an Error but Plays a Positive Role in Composing Search Strategies”. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 108(3), 498-499.
Shokraneh, F., & Russell-Rose, T. (2020). Lessons from COVID-19 to future evidence synthesis efforts: first living search strategy and out of date scientific publishing and indexing industry. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 123, 171-173.
Russell-Rose, T., & Shokraneh, F. (2020). Designing the structured search experience: rethinking the query-builder paradigm. Weave: Journal of Library User Experience, 3(1).
Russell-Rose, T., & Chamberlain, J. (2019, July). An open-access platform for transparent and reproducible structured searching. In Proceedings of the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (pp. 1293-1296).
Russell-Rose, T., Chamberlain, J., & Kruschwitz, U. (2019, April). Rethinking ‘advanced search’: A new approach to complex query formulation. In European Conference on Information Retrieval (pp. 236-240). Springer, Cham.
Russell-Rose, T., Chamberlain, J., & Shokraneh, F. (2019, March). A visual approach to query formulation for systematic search. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (pp. 379-383).
Russell-Rose, T., Chamberlain, J., & Azzopardi, L. (2018). Information retrieval in the workplace: A comparison of professional search practices. Information Processing & Management, 54(6), 1042-1057.
T.G. Russell-Rose and Phil Gooch "2dSearch: a visual approach to search strategy formulation", Proceedings of DESIRES: Design of Experimental Search & Information REtrieval Systems, Bertinoro, Italy, 28-31 August 2018
Russell-Rose, T., & Chamberlain, J. (2017). Expert search strategies: the information retrieval practices of healthcare information professionals. JMIR medical informatics, 5(4), e7680.
Bennett, Z., Russell-Rose, T., & Farmer, K. (2017, June). A scalable approach to legal question answering. In Proceedings of the 16th edition of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (pp. 269-270).
Tony Russell-Rose and Paul Clough, “Mining search logs for usage patterns”, In M. Hofmann and A. Chisholm (Eds.), Text Mining and Visualization: Case Studies Using Open-Source Tools, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2016
T.G. Russell-Rose & J. Chamberlain “Searching for talent: The information retrieval challenges of recruitment professionals”, Business Information Review, Vol. 33(1) 40–48, March 2016
Tony Russell-Rose and Jon Chamberlain, “Real-world expertise retrieval: The information seeking behaviour of recruitment professionals”. Proceedings of 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval, Padua, Italy, 20-23 March 2016
Phil Gooch and Abdul Roudsari. 2012. Lexical patterns, features and knowledge resources for coreference resolution in clinical notes. J. of Biomedical Informatics 45, 5 (October 2012), 901-912
Tony Russell-Rose and Tyler Tate, “Designing the Search Experience: the Information Architecture of Discovery“. Morgan Kaufmann, December 2012
Phil Gooch, Abdul Roudsari; Computerization of workflows, guidelines, and care pathways: a review of implementation challenges for process-oriented health information systems, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Volume 18, Issue 6, 1 November 2011, Pages 738–748
T.G. Russell-Rose and M. Stevenson “Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval”, In Goker, Graham and Davies (Eds.) Information Retrieval: Searching in the 21st Century, 2009.
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